Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Journal Entry 11: Electricity Showroom

Fringe Theatre. Perhaps the best play I have seen while in london was located in the basement of the Electricity Showroom.

I was really excited walking in and seeing not a conventional theatre, but a pub. As I walked downstairs to meet the class at what we were told was a play called Round 2, I saw a dance floor.

"WTH? was my initial thought. Is this for real? How is this going to work? They're pulling my leg." Were some of the thoughts in my head. But yes, it was real. As I saw the chalkboard column that said "Round 2"

Thus it started, the plays. Dictated by the audience, in the dancefloor turned stage.

There's nothing architecturally interesting I found about this, but more of the social aspect that really intrigued me. Another alternative to the conventional theatre, patrons sat on the floor, actors interacted with the audience and the mini-plays started at and ended with the sound of a bell.

If I were to reflect on ideas suggested by an artifact (i'm calling my artifact the dance floor), my reflection would be 'awesomness' and genuine joy of seeing something unique to me that I would have never discovered myself.

Round 2 put on by The Factory company every Tuesday at the Electricity Showroom in Hoxton. Be there!